
用云科技說故事虛實整合行銷萬豐云新聞_Top 25 sites in China 20150101

用云科技說故事虛實整合行銷萬豐云新聞_Top 25 sites in China 20150101

1 Baidu.com The leading Chinese language search engine, provides "simple and reliable" search exp.
2 Taobao.com Launched in May 2003, Taobao Marketplace (www.taobao.com) is the online shopping destination.
3 Qq.com China's largest and most used Internet service portal owned by Tencent, Inc.
4 Sina.com.cn 包括即日的国内外不同类型的新闻与评论,人物专题,图库。
5 Tmall.com Launched in April 2008, Tmall.com (www.tmall.com) is dedicated to providing a premium shopping.
6 Weibo.com 新浪微博是全中国最主流,最具人气,当前最火爆的微博产品。用一句话随意记录生活,用手机随时随地发微博,迅速获取最热最火最快最酷最新的资讯。
7 Hao123.com Baidu
8 Sohu.com 资源导航为主要业务的门户网站,经营综合性业务,社区,无线等增值服务。
9 360.cn  
10 Gmw.cn 光明网是中国的中央重点新闻网站,由光明日报社主办。通过在互联网、移动终端、培训平台、搜索、视频等领域的拓展,已成为思想理论文化领域具有强大影响力的网站。 
11 People.com.cn 人民日报网站,包括新闻报道和可检索的目录,新闻评论和专题栏目。
12 Xinhuanet.com 新华网,由中华人民共和国官方通讯社新华社主办,为中国最重要的官方网站之一。依托新华社覆盖全球的新闻信息采集网络,记者遍布世界100多个国家和地区,地方频道分布全国31个省市自治区
13 163.com 中国最大的网络社区和门户网站
14 Soso.com 提供论坛、网页、图片、音乐等类型搜索服务。
15 Amazon.cn 经营图书、音像、日用品、数码产品。
16 Cntv.cn 以视听互动为核心、融网络特色和电视特色于一体的全球化、多语种、多终端的公共服务平台。
17 Alipay.com Launched in 2004, Alipay is China's leading third-party online payment solution.
18 Youku.com 优酷网(www.youku.com)是中国第一视频网站。优酷网立足为全球华人提供最快速的视频播放、最快速的视频发布、最快速的视频搜索服务。
19 Google.com.hk 谷歌搜索在中国的官方网站。
20 Chinadaily.com.cn Daily English-language news about China.
21 China.com 提供各类国际国内信息以及中华网邮件服务。
22 Tudou.com 每个人都是生活的导演。
23 Sogou.com 全球首个中文网页收录量达到100亿的搜索引擎。同时提供新闻搜索、音乐搜索、购物搜索,地图搜索等专项搜索服务,为网民提供方便快捷的信息获取方式。
24 Pconline.com.cn 提供电脑产品介绍、价格信息、企业名录及电脑知识和新闻。
25 Jd.com 京东商城是中国最大的综合网络零售商,是中国电子商务领域最受消费者欢迎和最具有影响力的电子商务网站之一,在线销售家电、数码通讯、电脑、家居百货、服装服饰、母婴、图书、食品、在线旅游等12大类数.

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用云科技說故事虛實整合行銷萬豐云電子報_Top 25 sites in USA 20150101.htm

用云科技說故事虛實整合行銷萬豐云電子報_Top 25 sites in USA20150101.htm

1 Google.com Enables users to search the world's information, including webpages, images, and videos.
2 Facebook.com A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links.
3 Amazon.com Amazon.com seeks to be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and disc.
4 Youtube.com YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your.
5 Yahoo.com A major internet portal and service provider offering search results, customizable content.
6 Wikipedia.org A free encyclopedia built collaboratively using wiki software. (Creative Commons Attribution.
7 Ebay.com International person to person auction site, with products sorted into categories.
8 Twitter.com Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface.
9 Reddit.com User-generated news links. Votes promote stories to the front page.
10 Linkedin.com A networking tool to find connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts.
11 Go.com A searchable directory, news, stocks, sports and free e-mail.
12 Imgur.com Used to share photos with social networks and on-line communities.
13 Craigslist.org  
14 Tumblr.com A free blog hosting platform offering customizable templates, bookmarklets, photos, mobile apps.
15 Netflix.com Flat monthly fee streaming TV and movies service.
16 Pinterest.com Pinterest is an online pinboard: a place where you can post collections of things you love.
17 Espn.go.com Sports news network. Includes broadcast schedule, game scores and results, and articles on coll.
18 Live.com Search engine from Microsoft.
19 Bing.com Search engine developed by Microsoft. Features web, image, video, local, news, and product search.
20 Paypal.com Online payment service for individuals and merchants. Allows users to send money and bills to a... More
21 Walmart.com Provides customers with on-line shopping of wide range of inventory items. Retail, clothing.
22 Blogspot.com  
23 Instagram.com  
24 T.co  
25 Cnn.com News, weather, sports, and services including e-mail news alerts and downloadable audio/video.


用云科技說故事虛實整合行銷萬豐云電子報_Top 25 sites in USA 20150101.


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整段廣告主題: 飲用好水讓你變年輕


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是韓國的Running Man(런닝맨)



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讓以往的presentation和website design有了不同新的風貌


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